Protein Snack Packaging Design CPG


Ma's Protein Snacks




February 2, 2023



Ma's Protein, a new protein snack brand, was struggling to attract customers due to a lack of brand recognition and the highly competitive healthy snack market. The brand also faced the challenge of differentiating its gluten-free, healthy protein cookies from other similar products available in the market. As a result, the brand needed help in designing a new packaging that would make its product stand out and appeal to customers.


Differentiating from competitors: With many similar products available in the market, it was important to create a packaging design that would make Ma's Protein's gluten-free, healthy protein cookies stand out and appeal to customers.


Limited appeal: The existing packaging design for Ma's Protein's protein cookies did not effectively communicate the benefits of the product, such as being gluten-free and a healthier option, and did not appeal to customers.


Inadequate shelf presence: The existing packaging design did not stand out on store shelves, making it difficult for customers to easily identify and choose Ma's Protein's protein cookies over similar products.

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Strategy Session.

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Plan of Action.

  1. Research and Analysis: Our team conducted research on the healthy snack market and analyzed the competition to determine the best way to differentiate Ma's Protein's packaging.

  2. Conceptualization: Based on the research and analysis, our team developed several conceptual designs for Ma's Protein's packaging.

  3. Customer Feedback: We solicited feedback from potential customers to determine which designs resonated best with them.

  4. Final Design: Based on the feedback, our team finalized the packaging design for Ma's Protein's protein cookies.


By rebranding and redesigning its packaging, Ma's Protein was able to effectively differentiate its gluten-free, healthy protein cookies from competitors and increase its appeal to customers. The new packaging design highlighted the unique benefits of the product, such as being gluten-free and a healthier option, and stood out on store shelves, increasing its visibility to customers. As a result, Ma's Protein saw a significant increase in sales and brand recognition. This case study demonstrates the importance of effective branding and packaging design in standing out in a highly competitive market and attracting customers.

  • Improved product appeal: The new packaging design was visually appealing and helped to communicate the benefits of Ma's Protein's gluten-free, healthy protein cookies.
  • Increased brand recognition: The new packaging design for Ma's Protein's protein cookies helped the brand stand out in a crowded market and increase recognition among its target customers.

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Their work is quite fast and results are impeccable although they are a smaller agency but has it’s resources in one place with a talented young team.

Mark Brown

Director, Envato

Their work is quite fast and results are impeccable although they are a smaller agency but has it’s resources in one place with a talented young team.

Mark Stewart

Operations Manager, Envato

Their work is quite fast and results are impeccable although they are a smaller agency but has it’s resources in one place with a talented young team.

Michaelle Dawn

Art Director, Envato

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